

As trusted voices in our community, our partners are essential to the success of Placer’s 2020 Census to ensure that every person in Placer County is counted. The Placer Counts toolkit contains messaging and promotional materials for you to share with community members in your networks — especially those in hard-to-count areas of the county — in order to encourage participation.

Download FULL PARTNER TOOLKIT and materials (.zip file; ~45 MB)


The partner toolkit includes background, key messages, activity ideas, and resources ranging from logos and social media language to flyers and posters.


You can also view the toolkit PDF here, and choose from selected materials below:

For your convenience, here are sample social posts as well as recommended time frames for promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or elsewhere. You can also create your own messages and use the hashtags: #PlacerCounts #2020Census


Dates Post Image
Dec. 2019 – March 2020 Your Census responses are protected by law! The Census Bureau cannot share your information with immigration enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, or allow it to be used to determine your eligibility for government benefits. Learn more:  #BeCounted #PlacerCounts Download
Dec. 2019 – March 2020 The #2020Census will impact all of us, and participation is our civic duty. The Census has been a cornerstone of our democracy since our country began. Let’s take this chance to shape Placer County for the next 10 years. #BeCounted #PlacerCounts Download
Dec. 2019 – March 2020 For the first time, in 2020 the Census will accept responses online. The process will be quick and secure. You can

respond to the Census in less time than it takes to finish your morning coffee. You’ll also be able to respond by mail. To learn more about what to expect, visit

#BeCounted #PlacerCounts

Dec. 2019 – March 2020 The Census happens just once every 10 years and it’s just around the corner. Make sure you’re counted! Your responses are confidential. To learn more about the Census, visit  #BeCounted #PlacerCounts

Dec. 2019 – March 2020 What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Hospitals? Data from the

Census helps inform planning efforts for these important community

resources. To learn how Census data impacts

you and your community, visit  #BeCounted #PlacerCounts

April – May 2020 We want everyone to be counted in the #2020Census so Placer County gets its fair share of funding and representation for the next decade. For every person missed, we lose $1,000 per person, per year — for 10 years — in federal funding. Remember, #PlacerCounts!  #BeCounted Download
April – May 2020 Responding to the #2020Census is our civic duty and affects the allocation of funding for Placer County’s public resources and our voice in government, including seats in the House of Representatives. To learn more, visit  #BeCounted #PlacerCounts Download
April – May 2020 The #2020Census will inform how millions of federal dollars reach Placer County over the next 10 years. By filling out the Census form, we can impact how much money is allocated to roads and highways, emergency services, parks and more! #BeCounted #PlacerCounts Download
April – May 2020 The Census is secure, and will NOT ask you for


❌Your Social Security Number

❌Your citizenship status

❌Personal info

❌Financial info


#BeCounted #PlacerCounts

April – May 2020 It’s easier than ever to participate in the #2020Census. You can complete your Census form online or over the phone in 13 different languages! It can also be completed by mail in English or Spanish. Language guides are also available in 59 non-English languages. #BeCounted #PlacerCounts Download
June 2020 By completing the #2020Census, you have impacted the next generation here in Placer County! Information collected during the Census will inform funding for special education, teacher training, youth programs and more. #PlacerCounts #BeCounted Download


Download Spanish versions.

Customize this language to use in your organizational or community newsletter, blog or with email listservs:

Suggested Subject Lines

  • Make Census 2020 Count
  • Can we count on you? Placer Counts in the 2020 Census

Sample Body Content


I am writing to share very important information about an event that will take place in Spring 2020, the U.S. Census. The Census is a count of all people living in the U.S. and takes place every 10 years. It is simple and confidential to complete. For the first time, you can respond online. You will receive a unique identifying number in the mail which will allow you to fill out the online form beginning in March, 2020. It will ask questions about your household such as how many people reside in your home, date of birth, race, and sex. Here are some things you should know:

Your identity remains anonymous. Any personal information you provide on the Census form is protected by law and cannot be shared with anyone or any other federal agency. Regardless of your immigration status, the information cannot be used against you or to invade the privacy of you or any members of your family.

The Census is important. The Census is important because it helps to decide how much federal money our county will get over the next ten years, for things like parks, neighborhood improvements, public health, transportation, and many other programs and services. It also makes sure we have fair political representation determining the number of seats in the House of Representatives as well as political boundaries. Make sure your voice is heard!

The Census is safe. All the data collected through the Census is protected under Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Records are confidential for 72 years by law. All U.S. Census Bureau employees swear a lifetime oath to protect respondent information. The U.S. Census will never share a respondent’s personal information with other government agencies. Data is only released in summary tables; no individual records are released. The penalty for wrongful disclosure is up to 5 years imprisonment and/or a fine of $250,000.

What do you need to do? Complete the short and easy form online. If you don’t have a computer at home, you can use one at a library or at a Census Questionnaire Assistance Center in your community.

You and your family count, so make sure to fill out the Census form in Spring 2020!




Download Spanish version.

Have the ability to send short mass calls or texts? Here are some rough scripts you can customize for your community.

Sample 1

This is a reminder that the Census will be taking place this Spring. You will receive a postcard in March detailing how you can safely and confidentially complete your form online or request a paper form. Remember to count everyone in your house. Learn more at

Sample 2

The 2020 Census is important to Placer County. What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Hospitals? Data from the Census helps inform planning efforts for all these important community resources. Learn more at

Sample 3

Help make sure Placer County gets our fair share of representation by completing the 2020 Census. An accurate count will determine how many seats our state gets in the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn more at

Sample 4

The deadline to complete the online Census form is April 30. Federal law keeps your responses safe, so take your 2020 Census with peace of mind. It’s important so that our Placer community gets its fair share of federal resources. Visit

Download Spanish versions.